
Global Association for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases, INC. (GASND) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to advancing scientific research on pathogenesis and therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders.

GASND provides a platform for the free exchange of ideas and information, and a resource to advance scientific research and education on topics related to the study of neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders. The mission of GASND is to improve our understanding of what causes neurodegenerative diseases, to identify biomarkers for disease process and treatment evaluation, to identify drug targets and to develop new approaches for treatment and prevention.

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the loss of function and eventual death of nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system. Millions of people suffer from neurodegenerative diseases which overwhelms health care support and creates a heavy financial burden for their families and society. Currently, the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases is not fully understood. There is no curative therapy. GASND is committed to understanding causes of neurodegenerative diseases and to finding new drug targets, biomarkers and treatment. GASND welcomes scientists and supporters worldwide to join as members.

Message from President

Global Association for Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases, INC. (GASND) provides a platform to advocate scientific research on neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other related disorders. Millions of people in the US and worldwide suffer from neurodegenerative diseases which require tremendous healthcare and support and incur heavy financial burden for patients and families. Currently, there is no curative therapy for these conditions. Our mission is to better understand the mechanism of disease etiology, to discover reliable biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis, and to develop effective therapeutic treatment.

To fulfill its mission to combat neurodegenerative diseases, GASND is committed to bring together scientists, patients and families, and supporters worldwide to build an association that breaks down any barriers to enable global-scale scientific collaboration. GASND promotes scientific exchange, provides professional networking and career development for our members, and advocates education and training for next generation scientists.

GASND members are dedicated researchers, educators, and learners who share the vision to fight neurodegenerative diseases through scientific research. Your passion, dedication and participation in GASND are greatly appreciated. I am humbled to have the opportunity to lead this recently founded global association of passionate and exceptional scientists. Working together, we will push forward the field to help those who suffer from neurodegenerative diseases.

Gemma Casadeus, Ph.D.
GASND President 2025

Email: gcasadesus@ufl.edu

Vision Statement

GASND aims: to serve as the scientific organization for the study of Neurodegenerative Diseases and related disorders, to provide a source for scientific information exchange about research on Neurodegenerative Diseases and related disorders, to support the professional development of students and young researchers who focus upon Neurodegenerative Diseases and related disorders, to attract researchers from a range of multiple disciplines, modes of employment, and various career stages, to promote GASND conferences, and to build and maintain financial support for GASND activities.

Mission Statement

GASND is committed to scientific research on the pathogenesis and therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders. The GASND provides a multidisciplinary platform for the free exchange of information and ideas, and serves as a resource for scientific research and education on topics related to the study of Neurodegenerative Diseases and related disorders. The mission of GASND is to improve our understanding of neurodegenerative pathogenesis, to identify biomarkers for disease process and treatment evaluation, to identify drug targets and to develop new approaches for treatment and prevention.

Sponsors and Supporters

Global Association for Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases, INC. (GASND) is a non-profit organization committed to advancing scientific research on pathogenesis and therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders. GASND is registered under the IRS tax code as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. GASND plans to build and to manage a General Fund and a number of educational funds that are restricted to certain activities or awards.

Please consider donating to the Funds, as such donations will serve your interests in supporting IRCND and GASND and will advance the cause of finding cures for neurodegenerative diseases.

GASND General Fund: The General Fund is used for general society support and special opportunities. The General Fund plan is to provide support for symposia and early career events at the Annual Conference of the GASND, i.e., International Research Conference on Neurodegenerative Diseases (IRCND)-2024.

Young investigator award: The award is given for the best short oral presentation at the IRCND conference by a post-doctoral fellow or a graduate student.

Research & Education Lifetime Achievement Award (R&E award): The Lifetime Achievement Awards are to appreciate senior mentors in the neurodegeneration filed for their contributions both as a great mentor and as a renowned scientist to advance our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases. The GASND and IRCND aim to promote young investigators, thus we particularly thank senior mentors for their lifetime effort on training and mentoring. All members in GASND have received training, guidance and advice from their mentors during different stages of their career. The great sprite and friendship between mentors and trainees not only push forward the scientific discovery but also highlight the power of the united family-like strength in our scientific community. The Conference Chair and the Organizing Committee will select the awardee from the research community.

Please complete the following information to submit your donation. All payments are processed in U.S. dollars. Please make check payable to:
Global Association for Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases, INC.

Donation Information

Membership Classes

There will be four classes of membership:

A. Regular Members: Individuals hold a post baccalaureate degree, usually Ph.D. or M.D., and have performed research on neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders with publications. They are entitled to vote and hold office.
B. Young investigator members: Individuals are in undergraduate or graduate degree programs, or postdoctoral training programs who conduct research into neurodegenerative diseases and other related disorders. They are not entitled to vote or hold office. They may apply for Regular or Associate Membership status upon completion of the requirements for their degree.
C. Associate Members: Individuals are interested in neurodegenerative diseases but have not conducted research. They are not entitled to vote or hold office.
D. Sponsoring Members: Individuals or organizations support GASND by contributing services, resources, goods and financial support. They are not entitled to vote.

Membership Benefits

• GASND members will receive discount rate for annual IRCND conference
• Automatic posting privileges on our job and position listings
• Access to job and position postings by other members
• Exclusive access to our news release, member directory
• Please join or renew GASND membership annually by submitting the membership fee below
Becoming a Member Is Easy
By sign up an account to provide your contact information, determine which membership category is right for you, and pay the annual membership fee.

Anual Membership Fees
GASND Regular member - $150
GASND Young investigator or Associate member - $75
All memberships are valid during their calendar year (January 1 - December 31) and are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Renew: All members are required to renew each year by paying the annual membership fee.
Join or renew today Here



Board members
Director of Board: Xiongwei Zhu, Ph.D., Professor
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Co-Director of Board: Wanli W. Smith, MD., Ph.D. Professor
Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Xinglong Wang, Ph.D., Professor
College of Medicine, University Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Bobby Thomas, Ph.D., Professor
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Mark R. Cookson, Ph.D. Senior Investigator
Laboratory of Neurogenetics,NIA/NIH, USA
Yidong Bai, Ph.D., Professor
University of Texas Health San Antonio, USA
Elisa Greggio, Ph.D.Associate Professor
University of Padova, ITALY
Elias Aizenman, Ph.D., Professor
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
Marie-Ève Tremblay, Ph.D. Professor
University of Victoria, Canada

Treasure: Mali Jiang, MD., Ph.D.
School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

GASND office contact
Amber M. Smith
Julia Y. Zhu

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